Shows & Sashes
Shows offering Shamrock Sashes
Here are the shows offering Shamrock sashes currently.
Horses must be registered to enter these classes and owners must carry evidence of the registration.
Secretary’s from these events are asked to provide the Society the names of the winning horses.
Owners will have their horses featured in the newsletter if they provide photos for the newsletter editor.
Otago Taieri A & P Show
Nelson A & P Show
Nelson A & P Spring Show
Maniototo A & P Show
Te Kauwhata A & P Show (Royal)
Marlborough Breeders Show
Southland Dressage Championship Show
NZ Agricultural Show (Canterbury A & P)
SI Premier Show
North Island Premier Show
Marlborough A & P Show
All shows mentioned will have a web site where schedules and entry forms can be obtained.
The sash application form for show secretaries is on the forms page of this website.