For hundreds of years, the Irish draught has been a basic cross with the thoroughbred to produce the Irish hunter - one of the world's top all-round sport horses - so it was no surprise to see the impact of Laughton's Legend and Kingsway Diamond on the renowned New Zealand thoroughbred bloodlines.
With their rapid gain in popularity, their progeny are competing successfully in all disciplines with some of our top riders. Their courage, natural jumping ability, character and intelligence have endeared them to their owners.
By sheer coincidence two purebred Irish Draught stallions, Laughton's Legend and Kingsway Diamond, arrived in Auckland on the same plane in the summer of 1987.
Kingsway Diamond travelled from Ireland and Laughton's Legend travelled from England after being exported there from Ireland.
The thoroughbred-Irish Draught cross produces the Irish Sport Horse, or the Irish hunter which is known for its natural ability, depth of bone and jumping prowess. This mixture combines the speed and style of the thoroughbred with the durability, strength and athleticism of the Irish draught.
The hardy sound constitution and placid temperament of the Irish draught is transmitted to the Irish sport horse, while the thoroughbred contributes a finess of quality.
(Credit NZ Horse & Pony magazine September 1996)